Bringing spaces to life
For centuries, architects and designers have used materials, colors, shapes, and light to stimulate people’s senses and create spatial experiences that best serve the intended purpose of a location. While beautiful and timeless, architectural elements are generally static in nature requiring new materials and significant labor to change the design.
More recently, lighting (traditional and LED) and digital displays have enabled the ability to change colors and designs automatically. Generally used as the focal point of a design, digital technology explicitly targets requirements for interactivity where the need for a visual experience outweighs price and power consumption.
Bridging the gap
From traditional to modern
E Ink Prism bridges the gap between traditional static materials and digital technology with dynamically changing materials. Fully programmable, architects and designers can now integrate endless materials with changeable colors and patterns.
Potential Applications

Animated Textured Walls
Capture and hold a visitor’s attention with animated paint. Colors and patterns can be programmed to switch nearly any way imaginable.

Movable kiosks & exhibits
Whether it is trade show or museum exhibits, shopping malls, or retail PoP displays, E Ink Prism’s dynamically changeable colors and patterns will capture the attention of even the most discerning visitor.

Flexible Furniture
Branded logos and designer patterns can be integrated onto most any surface at any time. When, and how long a pattern is displayed is completely programmable.